I was ready to scrap this cute thing my granddaughter said and found Katie's new kit perfect for my page!
Journaling: It would not be an understatement to say that I went a little overboard on girly Christmas gifts this year. What with all the pink stuff out there and the wonderful sales throughout the fall, I was in heaven comprising my stash for Yuna. I had to wait forever to give them to her, since Jesse and his family missed all our Christmas parties because of illness. After the new year, we finally went over to their house and unloaded our haul. Afterward, Jesse and Sara were so sweet to send us videos and photos of the kids enjoying their new stuff, and these photos of Yuna wearing the new coat we gave her really made me smile. When I stopped by their house on an errand a few days later, Yuna ran up to me and gave me a big hug. When I picked her up, she said, “Nana give me presents!” as in the more the merrier as far as she was concerned! Sounds like a good idea, my sweet girl!
Lakeside Sentiment Stamps 01
Palette Textures Paper Pack 36
Patterning Mini Mix 01
Twisted Stitches 02
Fonts: Audrielle No 1, Pea Sarahloo