Be Bold-A Template MashUp Challenge

Hi! This is Lynn (grandmalynnie) from vacation at the beach in Alabama! Whether you are home or away, I am challenging you to Be Bold! For the newest Template MashUp Challenge,  the challenge is to use elements from the two chosen layered templates to craft your own unique page. A few additional items can be used to finish your design. Here are the templates with BOLD titles, that I have chosen for this challenge. These templates are included in this week’s sale.

Bold Statements Layered Template No 4

Bold Angles Layered Template 01

Four of our  Creative Team  members have used elements of these templates to design pages to give you inspiration to design your own page. For the first inspiration page, Merrilee (digigrandma) chose to document a current day in her snowy Minnesota home. I really like the way Merrilee combined the bold angle from one template with the bold title from the other. She completed her page with papers from Christmas Time Add On Paper Pack and Christmas Lodge Solids Paper Pack.

For the next inspiration page, Sarah (sterkeurs)  documents a completely different kind of day-a beautiful warm day  celebrating a special wedding.  Her combination of frames from both templates, bold title and delicate background brushes creates a perfect backdrop for her photos and journaling. Sarah used only elements from the chosen templates.

For our last two inspiration pages,  Trish (GT) and Valerie (nana_vg)  used similar colors and elements, but arranged in different configurations and definitely documenting different occasions! Notice the unique looks they have achieved by using different background brushwork.

In addition to the chosen templates, Valerie (nana_vg) also used Floresta Scrapbooking Kit and Enchanted Easter Solids Paper Pack.

If you are inspired to join in this template challenge, please post your page in the Template Challenge Gallery for all to enjoy. If you also add a link to your page to the January Challenge Sign In thread, you can earn a valuable coupon to the KPD store. No matter where you are or what event you are documenting, I hope you enjoy joining in this Template MashUp Challenge!