This is a story about the American Farmer. It's very short and thoughtful.
Families that work together to get what needs to be done
A newborn lamb that has help to get a start in life
Remembering chores are to be done before anything else
Making the best of it, when the cows get out in the corn and then work on fence all day
Each day being different, we plow and plant, care for the animals, so many things that make a difference in so many lives
Rain or shine, we are proud to be an American farmer
Vintage Farmhouse Garden Sticker Sheet 05 (recolored)
Vintage Farmhouse Garden Pocket Cards 01
Vintage Farmhouse Garden Pocket Cards 02
Vintage Farmhouse Garden Pocket Cards 03
Recap Grids Layered Templates Scrap Pack 06 (edited and shows how customizable they are)
Vintage Farmhouse Garden Paper Pack 01
Vintage Farmhouse Garden Remnants 01
Photo's -Katie Pertiet
Story by Vicky Fett, Nora Springs, Iowa