I loved the inspiration for Sharon's Get Inspired challenge this month!! It inspired me to make this page and now I also kinda want to redecorate. ;)
I felt like doing a journaling heavy page because it seems I'm not yet done ruminating on this... HA! But that's how I roll... I ponder and think until everything makes sense to me. :) Thanks for looking!
ARToptions Alena Ephemera
ARToptions Alena Ephemera Plus Pack
ARToptions Alena_Transfers01
ARToptions Alena_Transfers03
ARToptions Alena_Transfers05
Big Bottom Lift Classic Photo Frames 01
Botanical Colors Cerulean Meadow Solids Paper Pack
Brielle Element Pack
Done with Doilies Photo Clusters 02
Embroidering Accents 01
Fox Creek Scrapbooking Mini Kit
Fox Creek Solids Paper Pack
Tab Alpha 01
Watery Photo Masks No 25
Wire Frame Grid Panels 01
Font: Raleway, Pea Sarahloo
Journaling: Right now, life is well... life! It’s chugging along as it does. Certain areas are great and others could be better. There is nothing major - good or bad - in the works. We are busy but also carving out time for fun and family. It’s all just normal, everyday life stuff. And do you know what? That brings me such a feeling of contentment. It has also provided me a great deal of time to look inside and re-evaluate what is important to me, in this season. As a result, I realised something recently. This current season of life is changing. My mind set is changing. What I give time and energy to is most definitely changing. Maybe it is just life experience and that whole age and wisdom thing. Maybe I am just ready for change. But I am embracing where I am at right now and looking forward to where I am going. I have always tried to live my life with a gratitude mindset but I know that the challenges of the past few years have tested that. I have most certainly had my internal struggles and fought hard against the change that was happening. I lost my spark there for a bit, too. I had my bitter and angry days. I had days where I felt like I had completely lost myself. I felt like an absolute failure more times than I care to admit. I started hiding myself from the world. I’d go as far to say I had days where I couldn’t recognise myself in the mirror. And not just from weight gain. But like they say, nothing is ever permanent. I had to do some work and learn the lessons. I had to learn to let go and let the seasons change. The tough days still visit, just not very often now. Most importantly, I’m learning not to even let the tough days in. Yesterday’s problems are in the past and I don’t have time to worry about tomorrow. But I will never take for granted the absolute privilege I have in dealing with today as it happens and in seeing the change coming and being able to embrace it. I know with that privilege comes great responsibility because even though I lost my spark, I never lost the match to re-light it. In this season, it will be a different torch that I carry and I can’t wait to see the path that it lights up. Bring it on. I’m ready and waiting!