Getting Ready 02/21
Definitely the perfect template for these sweet details. Love the background papers. Such a pretty baby's room.
This is so sweet! I'd probably lift this sometime, as my daughter is expecting her first in May! She is decorating the nursery as we speak. :)
They are so lucky to have you to create a scrapbook for them! Super sweet. I love the map over the crib (travel dreams!). The stuffed animal line-up tucked into the envelope is adorable. I just love this page!
Fun to see these photos. The map over the crib of the drawing of the 100 acre woods from the Winnie the Pooh book is a favorite of mine and I had a smaller print framed for our nursery.
I love looking at your pages! So inspiring! Just curious what font is it that you are using for your journaling?
It is so fun to have all those detail photos! I wish I would have done this when my Owen was a baby.

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