Memorable Times Together

Memorable Times Together

Janlyn & Carl...moved to Dallas! (see journaling below)

Inspiration Board LT vol 4 LT 4
Arctic Whites Paper Pack 04
Krafty Love Element Pack
Simple Scripts 03

Studio KPD
Hand Scripted Move Stamp Pack

Journaling reads:
Our first place together. From boyfriend/girlfriend to fiances, to husband and wife. The place where we hunkered down during a global pandemic. The place where we brought Luca home. The place where we made a ridiculous amount of memories. A home will never forget. Thank you, Alfred Street!

We made the tough decision to leave LA and make the move to Dallas. Saying goodbye to such special friends was bittersweet. Lots of laughter and lots of tears. But these friendships will last a lifetime! Car shipped and the POD loaded, we flew into our next chapter, keeping fond memories in our hearts forever.
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Reactions: bred1269 and Stacia
It is always tough to leave, but exciting for them to start in a new place! All the best to them! Great page to document this.
oh wow, what a decision. It's always bitter-sweet to leave friends, but they will make new ones (and still keep the old ones) Great page, lovely photos, fabulous documentation (check journaling, should be "A home we will")
oh wow, what a decision. It's always bitter-sweet to leave friends, but they will make new ones (and still keep the old ones) Great page, lovely photos, fabulous documentation (check journaling, should be "A home we will")
Thanks for spotting that Anke! I’ll go fix it.
I think of them as the beautiful young couple living in the California sunshine, but, I'm sure their plans to move are well thought out and I wish them much happiness in their new home in Texas. (Given the high cost of living in CA I think it is a great decision!) They will make new friends quickly, I'm sure. They have a great positive attitude and won't it be fun for you to visit them and explore new areas on those visits, Jana.
Great photos for these photos - wishing them much happiness in their new home!

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