Template Mashup: Back to School

Hello from Merrilee (aka digigrandma), a dedicated scrapper living in Minnesota where it is very hot this week! I have a selfish reason for choosing the templates I did for this Mashup Challenge. I have a grandson who started his freshman year of college and I wanted to make sure I scrapped this milestone event in his life.  With so many students and teachers  returning to the classrooms across the world I hope you’ll find these templates useful for those milestone photos taken on or around Back to School time.

Back to School Layered Template

Layer Works 585

Take a look at the examples I’ve gathered from the Creative Team using these templates. As you can see we created unique pages in our own style of scrapping using the same templates.

Here’s how Lynn (aka Grandma Lynnie) mashed the templates.

The photos Lynn scrapped just melt my heart. The first day of kindergarten is a huge step made easier if your big brother accompanies you on the bus! These two grandchildren of hers are now all grown up, but, it sure is fun to revisit the memories. I love how the color yellow gives this page a positive, happy outlook. Lynn found papers and an apple in the Curated Team Favorites School Scrapbook Kit to complete her page.

Sherry (aka digi371)  and Valerie (aka nana_vg) both created pages featuring then and now photos of the first day of school.

Sherry’s granddaughter is beginning her senior year, so, how fun to see her pre-school photo next to a photo of her now. She made clever use of the labels to create a colorful background for the photos. Artoptions Avesta Paper Pack completes her page.

Valerie’s grandaughter is also beginning her senior year and to celebrate the first day of her last year in high school her brother and she recreated the pose they took for her first day of kindergarten photo. A lined notebook paper from the Bound Paper Pack 19  makes the perfect background for Valerie’s mashup design.

And, for my page I scrapped the photo of the day our grandson’s family started out on a road trip to bring him to his college in Tennessee from his home in Minnesota. As you can imagine it was an exciting and yet very emotional time in their lives and in mine. I loved using the Bags are Packed title from one of the templates because their car was definitely filled up with everything he needed to take to college. I blended two papers from Metsa Solids Paper Pack and Malene Solids Paper Pack for my background.

Well, this was a pleasure to show off the examples by Lynnie, Valerie and Sherry. We hope you are inspired to join in on this challenge.

If you’ve done this challenge before, you know that the rules are simple. If you’ve never tried it before, please jump right in and discover the fun of mashing. All you have to do is pick and choose parts from both templates to create your design. Then, add a background paper from your stash and you’re done! Easy peasy!

The best news of all is that you can grab the templates for the Mashup Challenge on sale from the Katie Pertiet Designs store. It’s always a good value to purchase templates because all the parts can be used over and over again.

Please post your challenge page in the Template Mashup Gallery and also in the September Participation thread so it counts towards your rewards points.

My wish for all students going back to the classroom this September is that you each find joy in learning, discover new talents and meet new and old friends. See you in the Gallery!
