2024-04-29 Evening beach with Velella velella

2024-04-29 Evening beach with Velella velella

Ok, I just might be addicted to these partial page masks lol! They create such a cool look for big photos, and I have lots of photos I want to feature on my pages, from my month here on the Oregon coast. :D

Font - Pea Snoflake


The most striking feature of the beach this evening was thousands and thousands of these sea creatures, washed ahore. Although I’ve never seen these before this year, they’re an annual phenomenon. I’ve probably missed them be- cause I typically don’t come to the coast in the spring! Here’s a writeup about them by the aquarium in Newport:

“The Blue Tide is upon us, as beaches all along the Oregon coast are strewn with an aquamarine layer of jelly-like organisms especially apparent at low tide. These are the innumerable bodies of by-the-wind sailors, formally known as Velella velella, and their strandings are a regular, yet fascinating late spring phenomenon in coastal Oregon. On our side of the North Pacific, the sails of Velella are set in a northwest-to-southeast direction to take advantage of regional wind patterns. With gentle winds, Velella sail at about a 45-degree angle in front of the wind, aiming always to be blown away from shore. Despite Velella’s simple yet effective sail, heavier winds during the spring and summer months may nevertheless cause mass strandings of these animals.”

These animals live in colonies and live on plankton. They sting their prey, but are not harmful to (most) humans. As they lie stranded in the sun, they lose their color and look like pieces of clear plastic. What a fascinating part of nature to witness on my Oregon coast adventure this year!


Photo Strips Scrap Pack 08
Partial Page Masks 11
Vintage Artistry Beached Sentiment Transfers
I'm addicted to your Coastal pages, Stacia! I agree the page masks are really great for making an interesting look especially if you have journaling. I found the information you shared about these creatures quite fascinating. I live in Oregon and haven't seen or heard about them!
Wow! First off, fabulous page and use of the page masks. Secondly, what a cool photo and I loved reading your journaling. I can't believe how many there are!
This is a stunning photo. The light is beautiful! Love the interesting journaling. Congrats on the GSO, Stacia!
That mask really works well with your photo, it looks amazing! Congrats on the GSO!!

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