Saturday Scraplift: Layered Letters
Hello, Addie here with today’s Saturday Scraplift (SSL): Layered Letters.
Today we are lifting this gorgeous page by Shannon, where she did the coolest technique with her title! I love how she layered the title over the bottom photo and made it pop! Happy lifting!
Shannon’s page:
The team had fun lifting Shannon’s page! First up, guest team member, Candy, made this lovely layout:
Supplies Candy used: Layer Works 1514, Anzio Paper Pack, Lightly Linens Paper Pack 27, ARToptions Mini Mix 18, Doily Edgers 03, Cardstock Alphabet: Whimsy Blue, and Outlined Alphabet 01.
Next, team member, Valerie, made this gorgeous vacation page based on the inspiration!
Supplies Valerie used: White Sticker Alphabet 02, Messy Mixed Masks 02, and Text Textures Paper Pack 01.
Finally, team member, Mel, made this adorable kitty page with the title technique!!
Supplies Mel used: Monochromatic forest papers, Edge overlays 6, Layered page foundations 2, and Spill frame layers 1.
I hope you are inspired to lift a page with this fun look!! Can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Remember to post your page in the Saturday Scraplift gallery as well as in the July Challenges sign-in thread in the forum.
Happy scrapping! – Addie
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