Kit-centric Challenge November

Hello, Valerie (nana_vg) here with my very first challenge post called: Kit-Centric! Each month we will feature a previously released kit (and/or collection) and you will have a coupon to purchase it at 50% off. The team has made some amazing and inspiring pages to get your creativity flowing. The challenge for you is to make a page using the kit or collection on the majority of your page. Most of the team members used only the kit or collection, but know that using a few other KPD items is totally fine for the challenge. Since many of us are heading into cooler weather in the Northern Hemisphere, while those in the Southern Hemisphere are enjoying warmer weather, I thought using the Spring Skies Scrapbooking Kit or Scrapbooking Bundle would give us all a chance to use some pretty Spring-like colors.

So, here are both the kit and the bundle. (click on the image to go to the site to purchase — coupon code below):



The coupon code is good for 50% off either the kit or the bundle. The code is KPDNOVKIT. Please note the coupon expires November 30, 2023.

The team happily agreed to make some amazing pages using the kit and the bundle. First, guest team member Rae (bcgal) made this striking layout about photographing birds. I am in awe of those who can get close enough and take great shots of birds and animals. Rae has certainly done this here:


Rae used: Spring Skies Blendable Layers, Spring Skies Scrapbook Kit, and Spring Skies Solids Paper Pack .

Next, guest team member Carol (oldbag165) made this wonderful page featuring another spectacular nature photo of a gulf fritillary, or passion butterfly. It has long, narrow wings compared to other butterflies. Getting a photo so close and having the wings extend past her frame is so eye-catching.


Carol used: Spring Skies Scrapbooking Bundle

Brenda (bbe), our next team member, made this adorable page about her granddaughter, her singing, and their conversation. Journaling and storytelling is a really important part of making pages for me, so I was definitely drawn to this one.


Supplies Brenda used: Spring Skies Scrapbooking Bundle

Team member Stacia (stacia) took the opportunity to make a page with a springy feel — a child enjoying being outside in the sunshine on a warm day, wearing a smile and warmer weather clothing.


Stacia used: Spring Skies Scrapbooking Bundle, Stamp Sets: Spring

Team member Liz’s (lizziet5) pages always catch my eye in the gallery because she is a master at layering.


Supplies Liz used: Spring Skies Scrapbooking Bundle

And finally, I (nana_vg)  made a page of our three oldest children (I was pregnant with the fourth) when we made a trip to visit grandparents in Oregon and Nevada.


I used: Spring Skies Scrapbooking Bundle

I hope these pages have inspired you to make a page with the Spring Skies Scrapbooking Kit or the Spring Skies Scrapbooking Bundle. Dig it out of your stash, or purchase new with the coupon code above (expires November 30, 2023.)

Remember to post your page in the Kit-centric gallery as well as in the November Challenges sign-in thread in the forum.

Here’s to some happy and colorful scrapping! — Valerie (nana_vg)