March Kit-centric Challenge

Hello, Addie (agoymerac) here, and we are continuing with our challenge called: Kit-centric! Each month we will feature a previously released kit (or collection) and you will have a coupon to purchase it at 50% off! The team has made some amazing inspiration to get your creative juices flowing! The challenge will be to make a page using the kit or collection on the majority of your page. Most of the team members used only the kit or collection, but know that using a few other KPD items is totally fine for the challenge.

So, first here it the kit (click on the image to go to the site to purchase- coupon code below):

or the whole collection:

Coupon code for 50% off either: KPDKT50  Please note the coupon expires April 1, 2023.

First up, team member, Linda (earlofoxford), made this lovely page with a smashing design using the collection:

Next,  team member, Merr (digigrandma), made this gorgeous page using just the kit.

Finally, team member, Sarah (sterkeurs), made this fun, friends page using just the collection:

I hope these pages have inspired you to make a page with the Booked Blue Kit or Collection. Dig it out of your KPD stash or purchase new with the coupon code above (expires April 1, 2023).

Remember to post your page in the Kit-centric gallery as well as in the March Challenges sign-in thread in the forum.

Happy scrapping! – Addie (agoymerac)