Kit-Centric April 2024

Hi, Erin here (ErinR) with this months Kit-Centric challenge. Valerie and I will be switching each month to bring you this challenge. This month I have chosen the Deelen Collection. The goal for this challenge is to make a page highlighting the kit/collection. If you need to use an item or two from your stash that is perfectly okay just as long as your pages uses items mainly from the kit.
If you don’t already have this beautiful kit in your collection Katie has provided a coupon code to get it at 50% off. Here is the code KPD50KIT. Please note this code expires April 30 2024.
The creative team created some very inspiring pages that highlight the Deelen collection.
Penny (pennyh) created this beautiful page using Deelen to highlight this artistic photo. I love the paper and paint behind the photo and the perfectly placed elements.
Supplies Penny used: Deelen Scrapbooking Collection
Addie’s page (AddieG) created this beautiful page highlighting an old photo of her and her mom. This photo is so sweet. Love the stitching she used as a border
Supplies Addie used: Deelen Scrapbooking Collection
Valerie (nana_vg) created a wonderful heritage page. I love the torn paper that anchors the photo.
Valerie’s supplies: Deelen Scrapbooking Collection, Torn Templates 02,
And finally I, (ErinR) created this page of these 2 enjoying some cupcakes.
My supply list: Deelen Scrapbooking Collection
I hope these page inspire you to join in on this months Kit-Centric challenge using the Deelen kit, or the Deelen Collection. Dont forget to grab your coupon code from above and post your pages in the Kit-Centric challenge gallery and in the April Challenge sign in thread in the forum.
Happy Scrapbooking, Erin.
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