23JanJournal Me ChallengeJournaling can take on so many different forms. There are memory journals, art journals, junk
05DecLove It + List It: Christmas FavoritesHo, ho, ho, and Merry Christmas, my friends around the world! As you might expect,
07NovLove It + List It: I’m thankful for . . .Now that Halloween has passed, here in the United States we’re turning our attention to
10OctLove It + List It: EssentialsFor this month’s Love It + List It Challenge, we’re focusing on those things we
12SepLove It + List It: Social MediaDo you remember life before social media? What did we do with all that time
15AugLove It + List It: Facing Our FearsThe Love It + List It Challenge this month is all about facing our fears
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